As Christians we belong to a Kingdom of the already but not yet. A Kingdom inaugurated by Jesus that has infiltrated the world, but awaits its final revelation. A Kingdom where we bow down to a King who had already bowed his knee for us. We proudly serve before the ultimate sovereign servant. There has never been a comparable earthly kingdom. In fact, history is replete with the stories of failed kingdom models, yet percolating below the surface of each one was a vibrant Kingdom inaugurated 2000 years ago. A Kingdom that has not been destroyed despite the best efforts of its oppressors. A kingdom that doesn’t fold when persecuted, but surprisingly grows in hostile environments. Inconveniently, for our atheist friends it appears to be the most fit survivor of religious evolution. However, it is a triumph not of natural selection but divine choice. It is a kingdom where citizenship is not obtained through the black ink of bureaucracy, paperwork, or earthly laws, but rather through the ultimate executive amnesty order signed in the crimson blood of the Lamb.