A great deal of human spiritual searching is inspired by the fact that God and man are always bumping into one another. I think it is fair to say that we have all had our souls briefly stirred by a brush with holiness. We are, however, not content with spiritual one-night stands and so we try to pursue a long-term relationship with Mr. RIGHT. Intrigued by the mysterious encounters with the “lover of our soul” we get up enough courage to call for a second date but are oblivious to the fact that He is actually standing right next to us. We strain to hear His voice, while ironically, swimming in a sea of divine narrative. We step out of the waves of wonder, dripping with God’s words, and then surprisingly towel ourselves off. We then proceed to build our own spiritual cell phone towers to improve God reception. We scour the religious internet, frantically downloading the latest “God apps” in order to hear His still small Voice, but sadly find we have reached our data limit. We build massive radio telescopes to scour the skies for a hint of the slightest jot and tittle but are frustrated because all we hear is white noise. What we fail to recognize is that the rules of divine engagement were established long ago. Maybe we would have less dropped calls and better worldwide coverage if we stopped trying to lay our own cable or erect our own satellite dishes and accept the fact that we already come “image of God” pre-wired for the best God reception available.
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