Our young people have uploaded their intellect into the Cloud. Believing that knowledge is a Google click away they put their brains in electronic mothballs. The problem is that once they pack up their intellect and place it in an internet storage facility they are left with nothing but an empty house haunted by emotional ghosts.
While emotions may inspire us, we don’t use them to test the things of ultimate importance. We don’t do our taxes with our feelings, we don’t buy a home based on feelings, we don’t choose a career path based on feelings. We know that our choices must be tested out in the real world by employing our faculties of reason and logic. While feelings often feel like the most intimate reflection of who we are, we also know that they can lead us astray. Feelings, however, can also positively inspire us by providing the surge of electricity necessary to turn on our mental light bulb, but once the room is illuminated it is our intellect that allows us to navigate the real-world furniture. Intuition and feelings may spur the imagination but reason and logic take them for a trail ride.
The marriage of reason and emotion is what makes the two one. Reason unites the family of man while emotion makes us stand out in the crowd. Unfortunately, somebody let in a postmodern wedding crasher intent on rending asunder that which God hath joined together. Our unwelcome postmodern intruder, in his relentless desire to deconstruct universal truth, then sends our intellect packing and files for separation. Sadly, once the divorce papers are signed we find ourselves as single parents trying to raise an emotionally unstable child. Postmodernism understands that reason and logic are the abstract glue that binds us together so in order to be a universal acid it has to apply heavy doses of emotional adhesive remover.
We need to warn our young people that if they continue to upload their intellect into the cloud of unknowing their lives may just get flooded by an emotional downpour.