Anyone that has read my blogs knows that I love metaphors. You could even accuse me of being a met-addict. I find them compelling and creative but more importantly I find them cogent.
Metaphors are the literary equivalent of the scientific method because they take ideas and apply them to different areas of life to see if they are universally valid. If an idea can work in multiple contexts then it becomes more evidence for its truth. If a metaphor is applicable across disciplines then it has passed the metaphysical test.
Metaphors reveal truth by showing that a concept can be translated into another genre, immigrated to another culture, or placed in a time machine and made viable in another era. Metaphor uses the immanence of language to prove transcendent truths.
So the next time you read my blogs remember that I am not just engaging in literary fancy but I am actually embracing my medical roots and conducting a well-controlled scientific experiment to find a cure for what ails us.
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash