Our kids are stressed out! We enroll them in the finest pre-schools to make sure they are on track to be accepted to Harvard. We get them on the best youth sports teams so that they can get a division 1 scholarships. We start talking about the intricacies of sexuality before they can even tie their shoes. What’s so wrong…..
Another school shooting and once again the finger pointing begins. We blame school security, gun lobbies, parents, and lack of mental health services, but we seem to have forgotten that this problem didn’t exist 40 years ago. Something has changed. When I was a child, access to guns was easier, mental health services sparser, and bullying more common, and yet my classmates didn’t kill…..
I want to thank you for all the good times and the technological marvels that you have created to make our lives easier, but I am concerned that you have lost your vision. You used to provide practical solutions to life’s problems but now seem obsessed with denying those problems even exist. You have lost your…..