We are all well aware of the growing drug epidemic in our country. Many efforts are being made to address this problem including innovative medical therapies and increased availability of mental health services. While these efforts are noble, very few people seem concerned with identifying the source of the problem. Sadly, as we do with so many of our societal ills, we spend…..
During the 20+ years of my neonatal practice, I have encountered many courageous women who battled through incredibly difficult pregnancies. Committed to giving their babies every possible chance to live, they endured multiple hospitalizations, endless periods of bed rest, and persistent bouts of nausea and vomiting. I have also met many women who tried every known infertility treatment in order…..
Our culture finds the word “sin” mean-spirited. It is viewed as a politically incorrect term used by Christians to condemn those who choose to live differently. In order to rectify the situation, our culture, in true postmodern fashion, deconstructs language by changing the usage of previously well-established words creating a cloud of confusion that looks like a fluffy lamb…..