I always try to find interesting ways of helping people know that God is real but sometimes these fancy arguments just pale in comparison to the awe we experience when confronted by the world that He has created. We can construct clever proofs for God’s existence but sometimes it’s just better to let the stones cry…..
The Intelligent Design (ID) movement is often portrayed as a religious Trojan Horse, a faux scientific steed hiding a band of religious fanatics trying to get a divine foot in the laboratory door.
Evolutionists … have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to accept…..
One of my favorite books is, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, written by the late Douglas Adams. While he wrote from an atheist’s perspective, I feel that much of his written material actually makes a stronger case for Christianity.
In one memorable scene, the human, Arthur Dent, asks the alien, Ford Prefect, why there is a fish in his…..