The movie, The Bucket List, re-energized the discussion about what we would like to accomplish before we die. Generally, our lists consist of spectacular acts of self-indulgence designed to cram in as much life as possible before we have to punch our biological clock. Jesus’ bucket list on the other hand did not consist of jumps out of airplanes and exotic vacations, but rather long tiring walks on dusty roads preaching about a kingdom nobody could yet see, and being rejected by the very people He came to…..
As Christians we belong to a Kingdom of the already but not yet. A Kingdom inaugurated by Jesus that has infiltrated the world, but awaits its final revelation. A Kingdom where we bow down to a King who had already bowed his knee for us. We proudly serve before the ultimate sovereign servant. There has never been a comparable earthly kingdom. In fact, history is replete with the stories of failed kingdom models, yet percolating below the surface of each…..