I’d like to teach the world to sing
In perfect harmony
I’d like to hold it in my arms
And keep it company
I’d like to see the world for once
All standing hand in hand
God is love, yet our postmodern culture has taken linguistic license and redefined divine love as tolerance. Tolerance, properly understood, is a good thing when implemented frugally but becomes a big problem when it becomes a blank check. I think that perhaps the most helpful definition of tolerance is the one used in the sciences: the allowable deviation from a standard, especially: the…..
I believe one of the reasons that tattoos have become so popular is because they provide an entry point for story telling. They become the evocative cover to our personal life magazines. While many of us are uncomfortable asking strangers to share their life stories, we find it much easier when they have already etched a symbolic welcome mat on…..
The idea of redemption has its origin in the image of God because you cannot regain or restore that which you never had. Everyone has been created in God’s image, so everyone has a horse in this race. We all hope to enter the winner’s circle, but sadly hear gunshots in the distance announcing the fate of a fellow traveller whose broken worldview leg can no longer bear the weight of truth.
We have soiled the image in which we…..