The Intelligent Design (ID) movement is often portrayed as a religious Trojan Horse, a faux scientific steed hiding a band of religious fanatics trying to get a divine foot in the laboratory door.
Evolutionists … have a prior commitment, a commitment to materialism. It is not that the methods and institutions of science somehow compel us to…..
One of my favorite books is, The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, written by the late Douglas Adams. While he wrote from an atheist’s perspective, I feel that much of his written material actually makes a stronger case for Christianity.
In one memorable scene, the human, Arthur Dent, asks the alien, Ford Prefect, why there is a fish in his ear.
Science has made many important contributions to our lives, but it is not the sole arbiter of truth. It can explain a cardiac arrest but not a heart ache, it can explain why it beats but not why it breaks. I would argue that our obsession with science and technology has caused us to neglect the contribution of storytellers…..
I find it fascinating that the phenomenon that has caused the greatest upheaval in physics is the behavior of light. Light acts as both a wave and a particle, light and matter are intimately related through E = MC2, and the speed of light cannot be changed by its environment. Surprisingly, the light that so puzzles science forms the foundation of our faith. The first…..
The founding fathers of science viewed their craft as another way of seeking the mind of God. Over time, however, their followers replaced His thoughts with their own and began to treat God as an unwanted intruder in their enlightenment kingdom. Unwilling to give Him a fair hearing, they formed a scientific swat team and stormed the gates of heaven, pillaged the pantheon, and returned with…..
As a physician, I find it quite disconcerting that academia has not only attempted to silence the voices of scientists that recognize a Designer in the world, but also has the chutzpah to silence the voice of nature itself. Uncomfortable, when the heavens declare they jump up to the podium, become nature’s press secretary, and put a materialistic spin on every transcendent…..
I am disappointed by the lack of scientific rigor that is applied to Neo-Darwinian evolutionary theory, a theory that basically states that random mutations (mistakes in genetic replication) are the fuel that drives the evolutionary machine. While proponents claim that it is the natural selection of those mutations that actually makes us winners in this cosmic game of dice, it…..
I have grown weary of the debates between atheists and Christians because the question for the vast majority of people is not, “Does God exist?” but rather, “Who is the God we should worship?” I see lecture halls packed with believers and unbelievers alike all awaiting a scholarly Fourth of July Fireworks show. Audiences captivated by the pyrotechnic display…..
Postmodernism arose as a response to the modernist claims that truth is determined scientifically and that life is nothing but chemicals. It didn’t like the idea of universal truth whether it was scientific, religious, or philosophical. It bristled at the thought of science as the new sheriff in town, especially since they thought they had already demoted the previous religious and government law…..