What makes Erik, Erik? What is my essence? If my physical body is taken away from me what then defines me? If my resurrection body will be different from my current body then how will I be known? Even Jesus, after His resurrection, wasn’t immediately recognized by Mary at the open tomb or by His disciples on the…..
Jesus came so that we could have life and have it abundantly, but before we start preaching health and wealth we need to remember He also told us it would came prepackaged with a world of hurt. Abundance is generally thought of as affluence and wealth but is it possible that it also includes pain and suffering?
In A Grace Disguised, Jerry Sittser helps us understand how tragedy can expand our ability to experience life more abundantly.
Sorrow is noble…..
At one time we were very optimistic about the future. We entertained ideas of a utopian society built on the back of rapid advances in science and technology. We knew that we could learn from past mistakes and innovatively avoid them in the future. We were like Chicago Cubs fans tenaciously clinging to the hope that this would be the year the Cubbies would win the World Series. Sadly, just like our pennant-challenged friends, we’ve had to accept the fact…..
Our culture is dying of starvation. Our souls cry out to be fed with spiritual food, but instead we inexplicably force-feed it stuff-will-make-you-Happy Meals. Our souls gag! We hope our materialistic menu will nourish our heavenly souls but instead find ourselves scurrying to the outhouse of regret every fifteen minutes with a bad case of terrestrial tourista. If, as the atheist claims, we are just made of material stuff, why does such stuff never completely satisfy? Why would material beasts…..