I recently heard an outstanding discussion about disability and faith on the Unbelievable podcast (1). It was a powerful show because it challenged the way I had previously viewed disability. The guests on the show shared the discomfort they felt when others would approach them and pray for their healing. Since healing doesn’t always come, prayers for restoration left…..
The disciples were a nice bunch of guys who would hang on Jesus’ every word yet didn’t seem to hear a word He said. The Romans treated these Jesus followers like a localized religious infection that gave them a bit of a rash but which could be cured by a generous slathering of crucifixion cream. However, at Pentecost, everything changed……
Intensive care medicine heroically rides in on its white stallion to save the day but all too frequently is followed by the callous black horseman of death. The physician who loves the technological toys of neonatal medicine is now confronted with a puddle of toxic emotional mercury they don’t know how to clean up. If evolutionary theory is, “all…..
Our culture is dying of starvation. Our souls cry out to be fed with spiritual food, but instead we inexplicably force-feed it stuff-will-make-you-Happy Meals. Our souls gag! We hope our materialistic menu will nourish our heavenly souls but instead find ourselves scurrying to the outhouse of regret every fifteen minutes with a bad case of terrestrial tourista. If, as the atheist claims, we are just made of material stuff, why does such stuff never completely satisfy? Why would material beasts…..
“I’m a spiritual person.” How often have you heard family, friends, and co-workers make that statement? The vast majority of people recognize that failing to acknowledge a spiritual side to life is almost a human heresy. We humans have this crazy idea that life without a spiritual component is somehow incomplete. Most people claim that they are spiritual, but when pushed…..