We humans have a notorious knack for minimizing our faults. We know we should behave better than we do but rather than appealing to a higher standard we use our fellow-man as a yardstick. Acutely aware of our own faults we temper our disappointment by scrutinizing the behavior of our neighbor and concluding we aren’t so bad…..
Our culture is dying of starvation. Our souls cry out to be fed with spiritual food, but instead we inexplicably force-feed it stuff-will-make-you-Happy Meals. Our souls gag! We hope our materialistic menu will nourish our heavenly souls but instead find ourselves scurrying to the outhouse of regret every fifteen minutes with a bad case of terrestrial tourista. If, as the atheist claims, we are just made of material stuff, why does such stuff never completely satisfy? Why would material beasts…..