Most people sense that God exists. They are amazed by His creative handiwork, but wonder why He doesn’t talk to them.
Nearly everyone I know claims to have heard your voice
And every time they do, I know I should rejoice
Because one day I’m sure you’ll break your silence
And speak just to me
But I feel…..
Paul tells us that we are temples where the Holy Spirit can dwell. Sadly, most of our sanctuaries are empty, bereft of any sound except the sigh of our beleaguered souls. It is only when our temples are filled with the Holy Spirit that our inarticulate groaning can become a choir. Just as each human voice box has a unique…..
The Jewish Temple in Jerusalem was the location where God and man would meet. God, not content to be separated from the creatures made in His image, orchestrated a way in which an unholy people could still connect with their holy maker. Direct contact was limited to only one person, once a year, in the Holy of Holies. God and man could meet only after an elaborate series of rituals designed to purify the priest, people, and place. However, the…..