In the Princess Bride, Vizzini carelessly uses the word “inconceivable” in conversation. Inigo Montoya finally points out that the word he is so fond of using does not mean what Vizzini thinks it does. Our culture has adopted this same “Vizzinian” approach to language by deconstructing words and changing the way in which they are commonly understood. The problem is that when you destroy the meanings of words you are left without a language of your own and are forced to co-opt conventionally understood words to promote your own agenda. When a traditional word like marriage becomes an obstacle to your cultural change program you must redefine it. Although, deep down, they know that a word must ultimately have a fixed meaning in order to effect change, they perpetuate the illusion that words are malleable. In order to be true to their postmodern roots they continue to promote the idea that words are fluid, but then ironically place them in a lexical freezer until they’re hard enough to beat someone over the head with.
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